The Q-Ball is an HD camera and pan-tilt remote head in one.
The compact all-weather design allows you to use it in “tight spots” that where previously unthinkable. Think of sports applications where it is dangerous to put a camera-operator, or where a large camera could limit the sight of the public or the athletes. The Q-ball really can be "hidden" anywhere. Next to the bar in high jump, in the goal of a soccer match, near the hole where the pole vault athlete puts his stick etc ... The possibilities are virtually endless.
The Q-Ball features a Sony HD camera with a built-in 10x optical zoom lens, built into a robust sphere with a diameter of 115mm. The supplied "CCU" adjusts the black level and color correction of the camera. The console provides the operator the ability to operate different Q-balls through 1 joystick.
Also communication over long distances is possible with or fiber connection!