Supertechno 50 Plus
This giant has more than 14 meters of telescopic crane length combined with an enormous speed and stability. This techno is the ultimate tool for those who want to achieve complex crane movements of the highest level. The potential of this high-tech device is nearly infinite.
By default, the Super Techno 50 comes with a TechnoheadS.
Also there is an option to put this crane on tracks to extend the range.
The Plus offers a multitude of new possibilities. With the aiming mode, various image settings and movements, including pan, tilt, roll, zoom and focus, can be saved and recalled if necessary. The technician can set precise end stops for the telescope directly on the camera crane. Two points in the room can also be defined directly on the telescope control, which then form a straight line. In plaining mode, the camera crane independently telescopes to keep the camera in a straight line. For example, a point can be programmed for a topshot and the camera remains exactly above the defined point when tilting.